'Twas the Night Before Blue Sky
Back when I was a freshman in college, I stumbled upon a LinkedIn profile, which led me to a blog, which led me to this post , which this one here is paying homage to. When I first read Danny's blogs, I didn't know much about the animation industry, or anything at all. It was so eye-opening and wondrous for me to experience his experiences vicariously, and it inspired me a thousand times more than I already was to work as hard as I can to get in. I emailed him promptly afterwards with a plethora of naive questions, to which he kindly replied. We emailed back and forth every now and then for the past couple years, and now here I am, preparing for my first day at a studio tomorrow (the one he's at, no less), and I felt like it would be fitting to write this post about how I feel right now. If you read my blog post from when I first got offered this internship, you know that I've wanted to work in animation for several years now. I'm a fanboy of the industry; I love a...