
Showing posts from January, 2019

Interviewing with Big Tech Companies

During the past semester, I interviewed for software engineering internships at companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. I learned an immense amount speaking with engineers at these companies and have a lot to say about the process and what the best way is to prepare. The bottom line is, getting a computer science job is tough, because the skills necessary are tough. Factor in the prestige of these companies, and the difficulty of the interview only rises. So, I'm going to describe what each interview process was like (to the extent that I can), and at the end, some thoughts on what I'd do better next time. I had the most interviews with Microsoft. I talked to a lady at the career fair and she reviewed my resume and asked me some questions about my previous experience. Then, the next day, Microsoft had a booth in the computer science building and I talked to another person there. A couple of weeks later, I got an email that they wanted to do an on-campus in...